
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Can Hydrogen Help Me Save Money?

If you're like most people, there's a good chance that you haven't given hydrogen a thought since the eighth grade. Heck, there's a good chance you didn't even give it a thought back then! But with gas prices at record highs, hydrogen has become a fixture in the news and it has the ability to really improve your life.

So you're probably asking yourself, how can hydrogen help me save money? Before I answer that question, let's go over a few basic things about hydrogen.

Hydrogen is an element, one of the basic building blocks of the universe. In fact, hydrogen is the most common element in the entire universe, comprising more than seventy five percent of all things!

It's also one of the components of water (H2O), and one heck of a fuel source. It's highly combustible and burns incredibly clean. That, along with the fact that it's readily and easily available, is the reason that you're seeing a lot about it in the news.

One of the most advanced ways to use hydrogen as a fuel source is in hydrogen fuel cells. A fuel cell is more or less a battery that never runs out of power, as long as you keep replenishing one of the chemicals. It turns hydrogen and oxygen into water, a process that releases energy that is then used for power. There are several different fuel cell technologies that are currently being developed in laboratories all over the world.

This is wonderful, but not especially useful for those of us who aren't living in a laboratory. However, there is something that can help you use the power of hydrogen right now. By installing an easy to use converter kit, you can turn your car into a hydrogen-burning, super-efficient machine.

What these systems do (in very basic terms) is use electrolysis, the same process fuel cells use, to turn ordinary water into a hydrogen gas that your car can burn in place of oxygen. Normally your car mixes oxygen and gas to power the engine. This certainly works, but it's really not a very efficient process.

By allowing your car to mix the hydrogen gas with gasoline instead of just oxygen, it means that you can go farther with every tank of gas. This means you'll have to fill up less often, which means you get to save money. And with gas prices as high as they are today, it means you get to save a lot of money.

And that, my dear friend, is how Hydrogen can help you save money. Just by using the simplest, most common thing in the universe, you can use less gas in your car and make each tank last longer.

Save money and buy less gas by using the power of water to increase your car's fuel efficiency.

Learn more at

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